brand building from scratch

Success Story

The story about a German high-end skin care brand entering the Chinese market, building the brand up from scratch leveraging on Omnichannel sales and marketing.

8+ Million

Annual Sales


people bookmark the articles about the brand / product


People actively talking about the brand and creating content


Luxury Anti-aging product for Chinese market

Founded in 2009, part of Klapp Cosmetics GmbH, this high-end German luxury skincare brand was created by medical cosmetic expert Dr. Gerhard Klapp. After 30 years of lab research, Repacell is known for their luxury anti-aging products.

The Goal

Gathering the luxury community and boosting sales

Repacell is a brand new name for the Chinese consumers, given their high price point and high-end target group, the brand is aiming to reach out and gather the luxury community to build brand awareness and driving product sales.

The Solutions 

Leveraging on Little Red Book (Xiaohongshu) – the most popular social e-commerce platform to build purchase intent

We operated the brand on Little Red Book for 5 months with an average of 5000+ people bookmarking every article we published about the brand and/or product.

Attracted 1,000+ users actively talking about the brand / product. Generated a lot of organic content / topics for the brand.

Beauty Evolution app

Xiaohongchun app + Meiya app

Netease Beauty Study

Other than Little Red Book, we also helped the brand to get on other beauty verticals like APP and have top beauty KOLs to endorse the product on different social media channels.

The Success

Omnichannel Sales

Repacell first entering the Chinese market, successfully building brand and purchase intent leveraging on different content marketing channels and deliver the real omnichannels sales with Tmall and Little Red Book App.

Little Red Book App as the most popular social e-commerce platform delivers over 36% of the annual sales.

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